A 15-year-old decided his hometown needed a veterans memorial, so he raised $77K to build one

Dominique Claseman from Olivia, Minnesota, came to the Olivia City Council as a 15-year-old to discuss his plan to build a veterans memorial in his hometown. He…

“106 Years of Love: Happy Birthday, Dear Mother”

Celebrating your mother’s remarkable milestone of 106 years is truly a testament to a life lived with resilience, wisdom, and enduring love. Each passing year marks not…

Every day, memories of World War II are disappearing from living history.

Men and women who fought and won this great conflict are now in their 90s or older; according to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, 119,550 of…

Grandma Tries On Wedding Dress After 60 Yrs And Grandpa’s Reaction Is Priceless

Some love lasts forever, and this elderly couple is proving it. Grandma tried on her wedding dress from six decades ago, and Grandpa couldn’t have been more…

Harley Davidson rejects military wife’s late check – sends heartwarming note

Not too long ago, Dennis Packee, a modest owner of a Harley Davidson dealership, gained widespread attention for a kind deed he did for the wife of…


The actress was born in 1964, in Los Angeles. The actress was only 24 hours old, when her adoptive parents, Barbara Crane and Paul Gilbert took her,…

Missing 9-Year-Old Girl Featured On ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ Has Been Found

Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in May 2023. In a surprising turn of events, the woman accused of abducting her daughter…

Made 1,000 meals for hurricane victims – gets no attention in the media

In August, we witnessed the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey across Southern Texas — a force of nature that swept away everything in its path. The hurricane…

Aunt Jemima’s New Name

Aunt Jemima’s New Name Is Causing Quite The Controversy PepsiCo opted to drop the Aunt Jemima moniker for their pancake mix and syrup trademark, citing it as…

Always great to see our Veterans continuing to respect our national anthem, flag, and country.

A little flag 101 respect refresher. Always great to see our Veterans continuing to respect our national anthem, flag, and country. So many people do not show…