The Dead Mule
An old country farmer with serious financial problems bought a mule from another old farmer for £100, who agreed to deliver the mule the next day. However,…

The Druggist
Upon arriving home, a husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. Tearfully she explained, “It’s the druggist. He insulted me terribly this morning on…

6-Year-Old Black Girl From New Jersey Scores 138 on IQ Test, Same as Einstein
Nationwide — Meet Declan Lopez, a six-year-old African American girl from Dover, New Jersey who is defying the norms of genius with her Mensa membership and an…

A Long Trip
A minister waited in line to have his car filled with petrol just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars…

Ticket Agent
Angry passenger to Ryanair Ticket Agent: “I want my brown suitcase sent to Malaga, my green suitcase sent to Madrid, and my tan suitcase sent to Majorca.”…

A Good Lumberjack
A large, well established, Canadian lumber camp advertised that they were looking for a good Lumberjack. The very next day, a skinny little man showed up at…

Oh, I’m sorry
There once was a girl who wasn’t feeling very pretty so she went to a genie to make her pretty. The genie told her that to make…