Jon Voight Joins Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg’s “Non-Woke” Production Company: “It’s Time For a Change”

The rumors of a new, non-woke production company in Hollywood are true, and we have the exclusive story.

Forget what you may have seen about Angelina Jolie, Nicholas Cage, and Joe Barron. The real story is a collaboration between the great Mel Gibson, the incomparable Jon Voight, and the mega-talented Mark Wahlberg.

The three stars will join together, uniting three factions of Hollywood weirdos into one giant anti-woke mob of goodness. Voight brings the hardcore Magaderpians while Gibson adds the truly lost Q-nuts. Wahlberg, who loves to be seen with that ash cross on his head, represents the more centrist conservative who doesn’t want to buy all the nonsense and still likes stuff like Ted.

The production company’s goal is to take woke remakes and remake them again un-woke. “We’re probably gonna start with The Little Mermaid,” said Gibson, “We have a really cute 17-year-old redhead lined up to be taken advantage of by a mature adult while sea creatures sing a song about forcing himself on her. It will be magical.”

The movie may not do well at the box office, but Voight says that’s not really the point. “It doesn’t matter how well this stuff does or how much it costs as long as it ownd the libs.”

Wahlberg chose not to comment so he could stay friends with the bulk of the people he knows, but you could tell he was chomping at the bit to go full cultist.

“I’m just hoping to get a part with Scott Baio,” said Wahlberg, “He says he’s joining next month when his Social Security check clears.”

It’s gonna be great, patriots. You heard it here first. God Bless America.

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