Can You Score 100% In This Free IQ Test?

This free IQ test is driving the internet crazy. Can you get a perfect score? You’ll get instant results with researched-based analysis.

First, you may be wondering: What even IS an IQ? Well, let’s break it down for you!

As defined by Mensa International, “IQ is a type of standard score that indicates how far above, or how far below, his/her peer group an individual stands in mental ability. The peer group score is an IQ of 100; this is obtained by applying the same test to huge numbers of people from all socio-economic strata of society, and taking the average.”

Additionally, “The term ‘IQ’ was coined in 1912 by the psychologist William Stern in relation to the German term Intelligenzquotient. At that time, IQ was represented as a ratio of mental age to chronological age x 100. So, if an individual of 10 years of age had a mental age of 10, their IQ would be 100. However, if their mental age was greater than their chronological age (e.g., 12 rather than 10), their IQ would be 120. Similarly, if their mental age was lower than their chronological age, their IQ would be lower than 100.”

Nowadays, people measure their IQ in order to see their intelligence. Sometimes, IQ scores can determine how knowledgeable someone is compared to others in their age group. While your IQ does not reveal whether you are ‘smart’ vs ‘not smart,’ the scale can be useful.






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