A Wife With 7th Sense..

A man calls his wife and says:

“Honey, I’ve been invited to go fishing in China with my boss for a week. This is a fantastic chance for me to get that promotion. Could you please pack enough clothes for a week, and get my rod and fishing box ready? We’re leaving straight from the office, so I’ll swing by the house to pick everything up. Oh, and don’t forget to pack my new blue silk pajamas!”

The wife, sensing something was off in her husband’s story, but being a dutiful spouse, did as he requested.

After a week, the husband came home, looking a bit worn out but pleased with himself for a job well done.

The wife immediately began asking about the trip: how it went, if he caught any fish, and so forth.

The husband replied: “Yes, lots of Salmon, Bluegill, and a few Swordfish. But why didn’t you pack my blue silk pajamas?”

The wife calmly responded: “I did… They’re in your fishing box.”

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