Jennifer Grey reveals the regrets she has about Patrick Swayze

Jennifer Grey reveals the regrets she has about Patrick Swayze

‘Dirty Dancing’ will perhaps always be one of the best movies of all time. It was and to this day remains one of the most well-loved films in its genre.

Patrick Swayze, who has since then passed away rose to new heights of fame after his role. And his co-star Jennifer Grey still remains faithful to the legacy he left behind with the movie…


The name Jennifer Grey is well known to millions of people around the world. She gained popularity because of her portrayal of the role “Baby” in the 1987 romantic drama Dirty Dancing. Since then she has thousands of fans and well-wishers.

The movie is set at a vacation resort where Frances “Baby” and her family are staying. It then showcases the love affair between a rebellious dance instructor played by Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey’s role of ‘Baby’.

The movie has a cult-classic status with thousands of fans hoping for a sequel. But Grey has made it clear that the sequel might never happen. She said, “… really, what I’m doing, my whole job with this, is to get it right, get it really right, in Patrick’s honor, in honor of all of the fans’ relationship with the movie,” Jennifer stated. “If you’re going to do that movie again, it has to be right.”

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Years later in interviews, Grey revealed a lot of information about the time of filming. She revealed that while she and Swayze did not have any chemistry,  their bodies on the other hand “really liked each other.”

In April 2022 at a Cinemacon presentation, it was announced by Lionsgate that a Dirty Dancing sequel was in the works.

After the announcement had been made, Grey appeared for an interview on The Drew Barrymore Show. She shared some more details about the sequel that was in the works.

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She said the sequel will have sex, music, and, of course, dancing.

In another interview, she shared that she refused to have anything to do with the sequel “unless it’s perfect.”

She also revealed that some other original cast members would be in the film. “Baby’s quite a few years older. You will see other characters that are from the original,” Grey said.

She said the film has no plans of introducing another actor playing Johnny Castle. “What happened happened, and that will never happen again. There will never be another Johnny. There will never be another Patrick,” she said, adding, “This sequel has got to be its own standalone piece. It’s very tricky.”

Good Morning America via

Patrick Swayze passed away in 2009 at the age of 57 years old. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 20 months before his death. Grey and Swayze famously had differences between them. After his passing, she opened up about their relationship in her autobiography, Out Of The Corner.

She wrote what she would say to Swayze if he was still around, she wrote “I would say, ‘I’m so sorry that I couldn’t just appreciate and luxuriate in who you were, instead of me wishing you were more like what I wanted you to be’.”

The actress clearly misses Swayze and is doing whatever she can to preserve his memory. We are sending Jennifer Grey all our love and our best wishes for her future projects.

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