McDonald’s has turned its golden arches upside down to make an interesting statement.

One of the biggest fast-food chains in the world, McDonald’s, turned its iconic arches upside down to celebrate women and remind them that they are all amazing in their own unique ways.

On March 8, 2018, International Women’s Day, a “global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women,” the firm decided to reverse Mickey’s arches.

Many who saw the shift and felt they had traveled to a different planet were so taken aback that they speculated it was related to the company’s current dispute with Wendy’s.

However, they were entirely mistaken. A spokesperson stated that the symbol had instead been reversed as part of a “celebration of women everywhere.”McDonald’s chose to change the signage at its Lynwood, California restaurant, although they maintained the same social media logos.

Employees donned caps and shirts bearing the “W”-shaped insignia at the same time, and 100 restaurants nationwide offered unique packaging bearing the logo.”To celebrate the remarkable achievements of women everywhere, especially in our restaurants, we flipped our iconic arches for International Women’s Day for the first time in our brand’s history.” McDonald’s Chief Diversity Officer Wendy Lewis said.

According to Lauren Altman, a spokesperson of the brand, the new design was made to recognize women globally. “We have a long history of enabling women to grow and succeed in the workplace through empowerment.”

“We are proud to share that, in the United States, six out of ten restaurant managers are women today. We take pride in our diversity,” she went on. All social media platforms for the company will have updated versions of its logo, and 100 sites will get new “packaging, crew shirts, hats, and bag stuffers.”

It’s not just McDonald’s that honors women and promotes awareness of the value of gender equality.In the past, Johnnie Walker honored women by releasing a “Jane Walker” bottle, with $1 from each bottle going to charities that support women’s rights.”Gender conversations are still very important in society.”

And we think that this is the ideal moment to introduce our Jane Walker logo and assist progressive organizations that align with our mission,” stated Johnnie Walker vice president Stephanie Jacoby.

“We are honored to celebrate everyone’s progress toward gender equality and the many achievements of women.”

One of the corporations that helped with the endeavor was Brawny, which gave $100,000 to Girls, Inc. and swapped out the Brawny Man for a woman.

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