A Mum Who Has Over 800 Tattoos Is Considered A Freak And Struggles To Get Work Because Employers Won’t Hire Her.

Mother Defies Stereotypes with Tattoos

Despite being labeled a “freak” by her peers, a mother remains a role model for her two children, showing resilience in the face of societal judgment.

Tattoo Addiction and Social Outcasting

Melissa Sloan, 46, has been addicted to tattoos for 26 years, collecting around 800 inkings. Despite facing verbal abuse and job rejections due to her extensive body art, Sloan continues to get tattoos regularly.

Challenges in Finding Employment

Sloan’s tattoo-covered appearance has hindered her job prospects, leading to difficulties in securing employment despite her willingness to work any job offered to her.

Social Stigma and Verbal Abuse

She endures constant scrutiny and mockery when in public, feeling like an outcast due to her appearance. Sloan has been barred from attending her children’s school events due to her tattoos.

Influencing Her Children

Despite societal backlash, Sloan encourages her children’s interest in body art, seeing herself as a role model for them.

Transformation and Acceptance

Before her tattoo addiction, Sloan was a different person, as shown in old photos on her Instagram. Despite criticism, she remains unapologetically herself, hoping her children learn from her experiences and never feel like outsiders.


While tattoos can be a form of self-expression, Sloan’s story highlights the challenges faced by individuals with extensive body art. Let’s hope her children learn from her journey and find acceptance in a society that often judges based on appearance. Share this story with your family and friends to raise awareness.

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