Jennifer Lopez sex tape ‘including footage of honeymoon to be released’ by ex !

Jennifer Lopez sex tape ‘including footage of honeymoon to be released’ by ex !

Jennifer Lopez may be caught in a sex tape scandal as footage she has battled in court to keep private could be released to the public.

The singer’s intimate videos – recording by first husband Ojani Noa – have been the subject of a complicated legal battle for six years, but now her ex-hubby’s business partner is planning to unveil the film telling the tale of their doomed marriage.

According to In Touch magazine, the master tape of all the footage is in a central depository per court order, but Ed Meyer believes they have a legal loophole after J-Lo withdrew her claims while the case was in arbitration.

Jennifer and Ojani in happier times (


Ed told the publication: “We are going to produce a DVD and also have a streaming release of the J.Lo home video footage.

“There is revealing video of her with a lack of clothing and in sexual situations, especially in the hotel footage from the honeymoon.”

Jennifer Lopez arrives at 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards looking swell (

Ed said: “The videos contain salacious material and are going to shock her fans..

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