6-Year-Old Black Girl From New Jersey Scores 138 on IQ Test, Same as Einstein

Declan Lopez

Nationwide — Meet Declan Lopez, a six-year-old African American girl from Dover, New Jersey who is defying the norms of genius with her Mensa membership and an impressive IQ of 138, nearly as high as Einstein’s.

Declan, who is currently a kindergartner at her elementary school has joined the ranks of Mensa, a society for the brightest minds.


“I’m interested in arts, science, math, and geography,” said Declan, who is already reading at a third or fourth-grade level and enjoys learning physics, according to ABC7.

Her parents first noticed her exceptional intelligence at just 18 months old when she casually started counting in Mandarin during an airport trip.

However, her parents are committed to keeping her bubbly personality and brilliance. They navigate the challenge of keeping Declan intellectually stimulated while still embracing the joys of childhood.

“I want her to laugh and joke and make mistakes and do things that 6-year-olds do,” her mother Meachel said.

Beyond raising an extraordinary daughter, the Lopez family is exploring whether brilliance runs in their DNA, as her little brother Maddox shows promising signs of following in his sister’s footsteps.

The parents say that Google and Alexa have become their family’s best friends, helping them keep up with their kids’ insatiable curiosity and knowledge that sometimes surpasses their own.

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